Winner of the Surrogacy Professional of the Year Award
2022 & 2023 at the National Surrogacy Week Awards
Price Transparency
Grant only
1 Legal costs
There are two main elements to the legal costs of obtaining a grant of probate:
our charges; and
expenses we must pay out of your behalf
1.2 Our charges
We charge a fixed price of £900.00 excluding VAT for the Grant only services (if there is a valid Will). This only includes our application for the Grant of Probate and does not include the full administration or distribution of the estate. If you would like us to assist you with a more comprehensive service in administering the whole estate, please contact us.
We charge a fixed price of £995.00 excluding VAT for the Grant only services (in cases of intestacy, if there is no Will). This only includes our application for the Letters of Administration and does not include the full administration or distribution of the estate. If you would like us to assist you with a more comprehensive service in administering the whole estate, please contact us.
If a matter or transaction does not reach a conclusion, we reserve the right to charge for the work done, and our calculations for the charges will be based upon a proportion of the fixed price, depending upon what work has been carried out on your behalf.
Our charges do not include VAT, as the fixed price is not currently subject to VAT.
1.3 Expenses
Even where our charges are fixed, we would usually expect to incur certain expenses on your behalf which we will also add to your bill. Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as court fees. We handle the payment of disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.
There may be other expenses which will vary depending on the assets that form part of the estate. If additional expenses are needed, we will advise you of the amount as soon as we can. The amount of expenses can vary, and the following is an estimate only:
Probate Registry Fee, £273.00 plus £1.50 per copy Grant
Land Registry Fee for Office Copies for any property you own, £3.00
1.4 Estimated total legal costs
We estimate that the total cost of processing a Grant only application will be £960.00, including our charges, the expenses we expect to pay on your behalf and VAT charged to expenses.
As part of our fixed fee we will:
provide you with a dedicated and experienced probate solicitor to work on your matter;
identify the legally appointed executors or administrators and beneficiaries;
accurately identify the type of Probate application you will require;
obtain the relevant documents required to make the application;
complete the Probate Application and the IHT205 tax form;
draft a legal statement for you to sign;
make the application to the Probate Court on your behalf;
obtain the Probate and securely send two copies to you;
You are required to supply all the relevant figures and information to allow us to calculate the assets and liabilities of the estate. If there is any delay or difficulty in supplying this information to us, additional costs may be payable.
2 Additional costs
The ‘Estimated total legal costs’ shown above assumes that this is a basic application and:
the deceased was domiciled in the UK
no inheritance tax to pay for the estate
an IHT400 is not required with HMRC
the estate does not include any shareholdings
there is only one property, “the main residence”
2. Additional amounts may be payable for our charges and/or expenses if:
the will (or parts of the will) is not valid,
the Executors wish to renounce
there are more than two Executors appointed in the Will
there is any dispute between Executors
the Executors reside outside England and Wales
inheritance tax is payable,
an IHT 400 or IHT217 is required,
there are multiple assets, properties, or beneficiaries,
the assets or tax situation are complex (e.g. include shareholdings)
the distribution of the estate is contested (e.g, a caveat is entered against the estate) or
the probate application is urgent
3. The ‘Estimated total legal costs’ specifically does not include:
the sale or transfer of any property forming part of the estate;
providing tax advice or dealing with HMRC about inheritance tax;
it is an application for the Grant only and does not including any service required in administering or distributing the estate
3 Likely timescale and key stages
The application for the Grant of Probate usually takes 4 to 6 months from receiving your instructions to the issue of the Grant from the Probate Registry. Please note that the Probate Registry can take some weeks if not months at present to process the application.
This is on the basis that there are not any complex matters, please see examples above. If any complications of this or any other nature arise, the matter will take a longer than first anticipated. We will advise you if this occurs.
Most matters of this nature involve the following key stages:
Gathering personal details of the deceased and the assets and liabilities of the estate and completing Probate Questionnaire (4 to 8 weeks)
Preparing Application for Grant of Probate and tax forms (1 to 2 weeks)
Submitting application to the Probate Registry and awaiting receipt of Grant (1 to 3 months)
4 Our firm
Our Director, Charlene Ash has over 17 years of experience in delivering high-quality work in all matters relating to probate and estate administration. The firm have particular expertise in wills and probate advice.
For details of the people who may work on your matter, please see: www.calonlaw.com. Regardless of who works on your matter, they will be supervised by Charlene Ash, Senior Associate and Director of the firm
5. Regulatory information
Calon Law Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). Our SRA registration number is 820507